Monday, November 24, 2014

Baby Shower Food

Christmas Themed Baby Shower

Semi- Homemade Food

I wanted to post about some of the yummy food we had at a baby shower I threw last week! Most of what I served was the usual: fruit platter, veggies and dip, etc. But I was especially excited about the pinwheels or tortilla wraps we had!

I made two types. The first was just your basic pinwheel. I used tomatoes, ham lunch meat, spinach leaves and chive cream cheese spread. I've also used mayonnaise before and other combinations of cream cheese bases. I assembled everything on a green spinach tortilla to add more color to my table spread.
The second type I made were my favorite! I didn't want to combine too many different flavors here so I opted to use flour tortillas and plain cream cheese spread.
Spread cream cheese all over tortilla. Sprinkle with Feta cheese, craisens and chopped green onions (please tell me you don't still cut your green onions with a knife! Use your kitchen scissors to chop those babies up in no time!!)
I experimented with just putting the toppings in the center or spreading them out all over the tortilla. The tortilla stays together better with toppings only in the center since the cream cheese helps glue it closed. But it's prettier with the craisens all spread out. To get the best of both worlds use the largest size of tortilla you can (burrito size) then roll it up like a jelly roll, wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate about an hour before you slice it into 1 inch thick circles.
A guest helped me cut these up and put on the serving platter. Usually I'd serve them face up so you can see all the layers, but this worked too! They made a really tasty and festive appetizer- perfect for any Christmas party!
Another one of my favorites was this easy peasy festive drink! All it is is a 2 liter bottle of "Sparkling Cranberry Arctic Cooler" served with floating orange slices. We call it "Christmas in a cup" at my house! It's my absolute favorite new thing! It tastes like a "Martinelli's" non-alcoholic sparkling cranberry cider. But this one is sugar free and only $0.84/ 2 liter! You can buy it at Walmart in the seasonal aisle right now. They don't usually have it in the soda section for some reason, but you'll find it on end caps or just in it's own display in the middle of the floor (usually next to the lunch meat section.) There are lots of other flavors too, like sparkling strawberry lemonade, sparkling blue raspberry, coconut, sparkling peach and sparkling apple cider. I don't recommend the apple one but the rest are deeelicious!!!
I found cute festive straws from "Dollar Tree" that matched the rest of my polk-a-dot Christmas theme perfectly!
I should have got a better picture of these cookies but they were gone too quick! They were just a quick store-bought oatmeal mix cookie with added craisens and white chocolate chips. The tip is to undercook the cookies, like really undercook! Take them out 1-2 minutes early. They don't look done yet but trust me. They'll set up more as they cool but stay gooey soft!
To keep with the red and white theme I made this super quick jazzed-up box mix Jell-O Cake that I posted about here
I'm not a huge mint girl, but when I saw these super cute wrappers at the dollar store I didn't really care what was inside of them! I was surprised at how many actually got eaten though!
There's a lot to deal with when hosting a baby shower or any party for that matter. I love hosting, but I know it tends to take away a lot of time from my husband and little kids. So I try to simplify as much as possible. Semi-home made is the phase of life I'm in right now and that's ok for me!

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