Saturday, November 15, 2014

Box of Cereal Christmas Tradition

Christmas Cereal

Looking for a fun tradition to start this Christmas?

My grandma has been giving her kids, grandkids and great grandkids a box of cereal for Christmas since before I can remember!
It is such fun gift that we all look forward to every year!
She stocks up sugary cereals that go on sale all year round and hides them under her bed. Then at our family Christmas party she stacks them up high and we all wait in anticipation until the time comes to choose our favorite!

She collects all the good kinds, the kinds your mom never buys you because they're too expensive or too sugary! All throughout the family party we look over the tall stacks of cereal boxes trying to make up our mind what kind we will choose this year. I was the kid who always chose the same kind every year-  Frosted Flakes. Doesn't sound too exciting maybe, but still to this day anytime I eat Frosted Flakes I think of Christmas morning!

My grandma makes the cereal distribution fair. She puts the numbers 1-31 in a hat and when the number of your birthdate is drawn you get to run up and choose your cereal. The only rule is once you pick yours out you have to go get a kiss from Grandma. My grandma is the type of lady who feels naked without her bright red lipstick and she makes sure to put an extra glossy coat or two on for the special occasion. I think she might even reapply after every few cheek kisses!
Everyone holds onto and compares their cereal to eveyone else's the rest of the night. Then we go home and save our very own special box until Christmas morning. Sometimes as kids we'd trade and share cereal with each other, but most of the time we'd all try to see who could make theirs last the longest!

It's a silly little tradition, but we all look forward to it every year! 

A box of Christmas cereal is the perfect tradition to start if you're looking for a meaningful inexpensive gift to give. It's even great if you have lots of family out of town that you have to mail presents to! I promise it's a tradition you'll want to continue year after year!

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