Wednesday, December 3, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

 It's Christmas in Ohio! 

 And I thought the view out my kitchen window was gorgeous last month!

My 2 year old woke up sick super early one morning. I had stayed up late the night before and got only a few hours of sleep. But after looking outside at the peaceful sleeping world blanketed in soft white there was no way I could be grouchy! It was breath taking! For the first time it made sense why people would chose to still live in someplace so cold! I guess I won't mind the cold so much anymore, as long as there are gorgeous views like this it's totally worth it!
School got cancelled since we live in an area with lots of rural roads. We spent the whole day bundling then undbundling as they came in and out of the snow, snuggling, drinking hot cocoa, and then finished the night off decorating our Christmas tree!

Believe it or not these pictures weren't even posed! I was busy separating ornaments when I looked up and saw the cutest sight! I'm so happy with how these pictures turned out!

Nothing like a gorgeous snow day to put you in the Christmas Spirit! 

Merry Chirstmas!

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