Thursday, February 2, 2017


I think I'm ready to dive fully into this whole marathon thing! 

I don't want to just finish anymore- I want to rock it! I want to have a finish that I'm proud of! I'm not sure what my goal pace will be yet. I'd like to be in that small group of women who can finish with a sub 4 hour time. But until I get more long runs under my belt I'm not sure how possible that goal is for me yet. I'd have to average a 9 minute/mile pace for 26.2 miles. My half marathon was at 10 min/mile but that was after swimming 1.4 miles and biking 56 in my 2014 Bear Lake half Ironman. I wonder if I'm capable of pushing a little faster than that for this race...

The biggest thing I'm afraid of is a finish that I'm not totally proud of!

I've watched my husband finish too many races that he has regrets over. He always ends up registering for a "redemption race" a short time later. I don't want to have regrets or shy away from everyone's "how did you do on your big race" questions.

I could just set a super easy and attainable goal, but there'd be no growth there. I know failing can often be the biggest propellant for future success.

I've read that you shouldn't set a time goal for your first marathon. Finishing alone is something to be proud of! I've also read that I should set 3 goals; an ideal A goal, a "I'd still be happy with.." B goal and "at least..." C goal.

By the end of this month I will try to have my goals recorded.

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