Thursday, February 2, 2017

I lost a bet!

My husband and I are constantly coming up with challenges for each other. 

A couple months ago we were trying to figure out ways to make us more motivated to wake up early and study our scriptures for 30 minutes everyday. We knew we really wanted to get back in the consistent habit, but never lasted for more than a few days in a row. We came up with a lot of ideas but none really held up.

Then Matt decided that making me sign up for a marathon would be enough motivation for him. 

He's been on a running kick since his first full ironman in 2011 and has always wanted me to do one with him. He thinks getting me to do a marathon is a good step in that direction. I've done plenty of 5K, 10Ks, half marathons, a sprint triatholon, an olympic distance triathlon, and a half Ironman. But the idea of 26.2 miles seemed WAY beyond my reach! And honestly doing one has never even been on my bucket list.

 I had ZERO desire to run that long! 

But I figured it was a safe bet for me. Work was pretty crazy for Matt at the time and I set pretty strict rules about how his reading would have to be (ie listening to scriptures on cd in the car wouldn't cut it, it had to be a sit down, highlighter in hand, study guide on the table, full out study EVERY SINGLE morning. Miss one day and I'm off the hook!)

Well, that stinker did it!

 I was shocked!! (And impressed. And super in love!) Some mornings I'd watch him and think a marathon will take me a lot less time than what he's putting in- even at my slowest a mile would never last a full 30 minutes. So in the end I thought it was a fair deal.

The day he finished his allotted time length he signed me up for the Nashville Rock 'N Roll Marathon. He didn't even bother asking me first- I lost the bet and it was time to pay up! It will be on April 29, 2017.

Which happens to be my 33rd birthday! 

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