Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Monster's University Cupcakes

Mike Wazowski Eye Balls

Moster's Inc. and Monster's University were both adorable movies! I love how fun all the characters are! Check out these cute cupcakes I made to go along with the Sully Cake for my neighbor's first birthday party!

By the time I was finished with all the fur on the 12 x 12 Sully cake I decided there was no way my hands could handle decorating the cupcakes the same way! Luckily I had lots of purple and blue frosting (Betty Crocker Tubs stiffened with about 1 3/4 cups powdered sugar) left and some cute coordinating sprinkles. 

Using my largest star tip, I created a dome of frosting by hovering my tip just above the cupcake on the outer edge. To get the best look squeeze with even pressure as you apply frosting to outer edges first then spiral in towards the center, slightly over lapping the frosting as you build each layer up. Release pressure before you lift frosting tip up and away. I sometimes like to release pressure then push the tip down before pulling away for a cute star top. If you're going for a tall cup cake use this dome technique and overlap the layers even more.
Notice how this method of spiraling from the outside in gives a domed-peak look instead of the opposite, inside to out, that produces a flower bud like this picture from my daughter's Frozen party.

For the Mike Wazowski cupcakes I dyed my tub of white Betty Crocker frosting green with 5 blue drops and 7 yellow drops of food coloring. Then I mixed in 1 3/4 cups of powdered sugar to stiffen it enough to hold its shape. I don't have a large round frosting tip so I just cut off  the tip of a decorating bag and used that for my round shape. With this look it's especially important to burp the bag and get out all the air bubbles. 

As with the other cup cakes, the spiral starts on the outside and works its way in, but this time the layers don't overlap. It doesn't really matter how you end the spiral (lifting straight up or pushing down first) because the eyeball will cover it up anyway. I happened to find these edible eyeballs in a Wilton Halloween Kit on clearance after Halloween for $0.45. You can find them year round in the cake decorating aisle of Walmart but they're $3.97 for a pack. A package of mini Oreo's would work too. Just set one open face on top of each cupcake. Pipe a thin light blue outline around the iris for added detail.

 And there you go! Two dozen adorable Monster's Inc. cupcakes in 15 minutes!

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