Thursday, February 2, 2017


I think I'm ready to dive fully into this whole marathon thing! 

I don't want to just finish anymore- I want to rock it! I want to have a finish that I'm proud of! I'm not sure what my goal pace will be yet. I'd like to be in that small group of women who can finish with a sub 4 hour time. But until I get more long runs under my belt I'm not sure how possible that goal is for me yet. I'd have to average a 9 minute/mile pace for 26.2 miles. My half marathon was at 10 min/mile but that was after swimming 1.4 miles and biking 56 in my 2014 Bear Lake half Ironman. I wonder if I'm capable of pushing a little faster than that for this race...

The biggest thing I'm afraid of is a finish that I'm not totally proud of!

I've watched my husband finish too many races that he has regrets over. He always ends up registering for a "redemption race" a short time later. I don't want to have regrets or shy away from everyone's "how did you do on your big race" questions.

I could just set a super easy and attainable goal, but there'd be no growth there. I know failing can often be the biggest propellant for future success.

I've read that you shouldn't set a time goal for your first marathon. Finishing alone is something to be proud of! I've also read that I should set 3 goals; an ideal A goal, a "I'd still be happy with.." B goal and "at least..." C goal.

By the end of this month I will try to have my goals recorded.


After I got suckered into running a marathon I spent the first 2-3 weeks in denial. I agreed to do it, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to complain about it every step of the way! 

I started to do the training runs. Then I started to do them a little longer and a little faster. I didn't realize it then but I was getting hooked! I was impressed with how fast my body was adapting and shocked with how fast I was clocking some of my sprint training runs! But I still called them stupid runs, dreaded getting out the door, and came home with a grouchy "I hope you're happy face" after each run.

Then the best thing happened to me- I got injured!

I strained my Achilles tendons on both heels. That was immediately followed by planters fasciitis. I was in so much pain. I couldn't step my feet on the ground first thing in the mornings so I'd crawl to my kid's rooms to wake them up. It wasn't pretty.

The worst part was I had to try to keep it a secret from my husband,

He had warned me not to start off my training too fast. He had injured his ankles a couple months earlier the week before his 50 mile trail run. Of course I didn't listen to him- I was invincible!
I tried to play off the pain and why I was not walking normal as menstrual cramps to keep him from asking questions. But of course that didn't last long. He gave me the lecture, which I expected. But then gave me a foot massage and a hug, which I had not expected. He helped me ice. He taped up my feet with KT tape (AMAZING stuff!) and encouraged me to stay completely off my feet for 10 days and then keep my training minimal until they had a chance to heal more.

I mostly listened to his advice.

Getting injured was the BEST thing that could have happened to me!

It made me realize that I wanted to do this race. Sitting on the couch thinking of all the training I threw down the toilet made me so anxious to get back out there!
I started back slowly(ish) and now my attitude on my runs has taken a full turn! I enjoy each step, because I'm just so grateful that I'm well enough to take it!

I lost a bet!

My husband and I are constantly coming up with challenges for each other. 

A couple months ago we were trying to figure out ways to make us more motivated to wake up early and study our scriptures for 30 minutes everyday. We knew we really wanted to get back in the consistent habit, but never lasted for more than a few days in a row. We came up with a lot of ideas but none really held up.

Then Matt decided that making me sign up for a marathon would be enough motivation for him. 

He's been on a running kick since his first full ironman in 2011 and has always wanted me to do one with him. He thinks getting me to do a marathon is a good step in that direction. I've done plenty of 5K, 10Ks, half marathons, a sprint triatholon, an olympic distance triathlon, and a half Ironman. But the idea of 26.2 miles seemed WAY beyond my reach! And honestly doing one has never even been on my bucket list.

 I had ZERO desire to run that long! 

But I figured it was a safe bet for me. Work was pretty crazy for Matt at the time and I set pretty strict rules about how his reading would have to be (ie listening to scriptures on cd in the car wouldn't cut it, it had to be a sit down, highlighter in hand, study guide on the table, full out study EVERY SINGLE morning. Miss one day and I'm off the hook!)

Well, that stinker did it!

 I was shocked!! (And impressed. And super in love!) Some mornings I'd watch him and think a marathon will take me a lot less time than what he's putting in- even at my slowest a mile would never last a full 30 minutes. So in the end I thought it was a fair deal.

The day he finished his allotted time length he signed me up for the Nashville Rock 'N Roll Marathon. He didn't even bother asking me first- I lost the bet and it was time to pay up! It will be on April 29, 2017.

Which happens to be my 33rd birthday!