Thursday, October 9, 2014

Blessings from being poor

I know a lot of us just try to rush through those early struggling student years. But I quite enjoyed them! I gained so many life skills that I wouldn't trade for all the luxuries around!

We had 3 kids in less than 3 years. My husband worked days for Chase Bank and loaded trucks for UPS by night. About the time the economy halted we decided it was time to make a change. He could continue working two jobs for the rest of our lives or we could make a change. Now. We got grants and made it through his bachelors degree and another baby just fine. But one day we looked at each other and we just knew we weren't finished on this educational road yet. We sold (short sold for 1/2) our perfect home in Queen Creek, Arizona and went to school at BYU in Provo, Utah where my husband got an MBA in Finance. He wasn't allowed to work and I stayed home with our 4 little kids. We had absolutely $0 income and more expenses than ever! Thankfully we made it through this tight time, as you always do.
Enjoying our time at BYU!
The plan was to go back home to good ol' AZ. But after interning one summer with AT&T in Dallas, then getting offered the perfect job in Ohio with P&G we knew that maybe our plans weren't going to work out after all.

We're here now in Cincinnati and I honestly couldn't be happier! We have more money than I ever expected, but because of the refining processes we went through to get here- I just can't bare spending any of it needlessly! 

I do all the regular things- wash my own cars, DIY all my decorations, crafts, cakes, costumes, etc. I make my own clothes or refashion old ones. Teach my kids sports and piano lessons myself. I even learned to tune my own piano! I've gained budgeting and management skills, humility and compassion. My marriage was strengthened and my kids learned not to feel entitled. 

Being poor was the best thing that ever happened to us!

I love looking back, seeing all my new talents, and knowing that I've earned them! And so after sewing my 3rd shirt in a week, my husband turned to me tonight and said,
"If you're so stubborn about still not spending money, could you at least make it public so the rest of the world can laugh at you along with me!" 

So I think that's what I'll do! 

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