Thursday, October 9, 2014

People with money can still be good

I grew up thinking that money was the root of all evil! We were poor but I knew we were good people. The character of my mom and grandparents was almost saint like! They gave and gave, served and shared! In my childhood mind I equated poor with humble, humble with kind, kind with good. Which meant the opposing view was rich=bad. 
Because of this I never hoped to have a lot of money. In fact the idea scared me to death! I was very comfortable with the "just enough" income my husband made. So when the promptings came to us to go back to school and later earn his MBA I was in major denial! 
Of course after praying I knew it would be better to put my life in the hands of the man that knows me eternally and perfectly. 
We committed to follow whatever answers we received which meant that we had to leave the home we just built and all of our family and friends. Because of the down turn in the economy we had to short sell our home for half of what we bought it for (an incredibly humiliating process). We moved to Provo, UT to attend graduate school at BYU with the hopes of quickly returning to Arizona and all its goodness! But again God had something else in mind for our little family. When Proctor and Gamble (P&G) made their offer it definitely wasn't the great income and generous signing bonus that led us to accept. Cincinnati is cold, really far away, and did I mention cold?! But we have no doubts this is where we're meant to be! 
This picture warms my heart! We're so proud of him!

God's plan is different than the one I had for myself. I'm not sure yet what it is He'd like us to achieve in our new life. I just know that I don't want to sacrifice my character along the way.

Struggling to make it happily through graduate school on $0 income and 4 kids taught me sooo many amazing things! I will not loose sight of what things really bring happiness. I will not spend just because I can. I will not let all my frugally creative talents go to waste. I will hold on to the character I've developed along the way. And I will take every opportunity to share and help when I can! 

Because I have been given much I too must give! 

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